Community Training

Community Training

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Lifeguard Recertification Training

All Locations
3/14/25 - 3/15/25

The purpose of the American Red Cross Lifeguarding Recertification course is to provide participants with the opportunity to review the course knowledge and skills within a formal course setting in order to maintain their American Red Cross Lifeguarding certification.

To enroll in the Lifeguarding Recertification course, you must have a current certification or a certification expired by no more than 30 days for American Red Cross Lifeguarding (Including Deep Water) with CPR/AED for Professional Rescuers and First Aid. To participate in the recertification course, you must be able to pass a prerequisite swimming skills evaluation, which includes two parts and takes place during the first in-person session. Participants who pass the precourse can move on to the next portions of the course. Participants who do not pass the precourse will not be able to continue with the rest of the course and will need more practice time before attempting another course in their future.

Prerequisite 1: (Swim-Tread-Swim Sequence) Jump into the water, totally submerge, resurface then swim 150 meters without stopping to rest, tread water for 2 minutes, and then swim 50 more meters. While swimming, you must keep your face in the water and demonstrate good breath control. You may swim using the front crawl, breaststroke or a combination of both. Swimming on the back or side is not permitted. Swim goggles are allowed. When treading, you must maintain position at the surface of the water the entire 2 minutes only using your legs.

Prerequisite 2: Complete a timed event within 1 minute, 40 seconds. Starting in the water, swim 20 meters. Your face may be in or out of the water. Swim goggles are not allowed. Surface dive (head-first or feet-first) to a depth of 7 to 10 feet to retrieve a 10-pound object. Return to the surface and swim 20 meters on your back to return to the starting point, holding the object at the surface with both hands and keeping your face at or near the surface. Swimming the distance underwater is not permitted. Exit the water without using a ladder or the steps.

This course follows a blended learning model, which combines online coursework (16 modules) with in-person sessions. You will receive an email from the Daviess County Family YMCA with a link to the American Red Cross with instructions for accessing the online course content. Please plan to complete all of the assigned online course modules at least 2 days prior to the corresponding in-person session. The online course uses adaptive learning technology to create an independent learning plan for you. Each module begins with a pre-assessment. You can completely test out of a module, test out of specific learning objectives within the module, or be required to complete the entire module. Therefore, the time needed to complete the online coursework may vary.

The total instructional time for the Lifeguarding Recertification course in-person sessions is 9 hours, 15 minutes (excluding meal and rest breaks).

In general, you will need the following for each in-person session:

■ A swimsuit that allows for good range of motion and that will stay secure and keep you covered during physical activity.

■ A towel.

■ Goggles.

■ Comfortable clothing for classroom activities and practicing skills such as CPR.

■ A tablet, laptop or phone to access your digital Lifeguarding Manual that we will provide. We will also provide you with a hip pack, resuscitation mask and whistle for class.

■ Water, snacks/meal (especially on full days).

■ Extra contacts or glasses and pen/pencil and paper if needed.

For your comfort, you may want to bring an extra swimsuit and a change of dry clothes, in addition to an extra layer (such as a sweatshirt and sweatpants).

To successfully complete the course and receive recertification, you must:

■ Complete all online course content in advance of the corresponding in-person sessions.

■ Attend the entire course and participate in all in-person sessions.

■ Actively participate in all course activities, including assuming various roles during skill practices, skill

drills, activities and scenarios.

■ Demonstrate proficiency in all skills.

■ Successfully pass the final written exam with a minimum grade of 80 percent.

■ Pass three final skill assessments.

Upon successful completion of the recertification course, you will receive an American Red Cross certificate for Lifeguarding (Including Deep Water) with CPR/AED for Professional Rescuers and First Aid, valid for 2 years.

Please be aware that the skill practice sessions in the Lifeguarding Recertification course involve strenuous physical activity. If you have any concerns about your ability to participate fully in class (for example, because of a medical condition or disability), please contact [email protected] before the first in-person session to discuss possible accommodations. You may also wish to speak with a healthcare professional before the first in-person session.


$125 (This cost includes a $25 nonrefundable fee for cancellations or dropouts within 1 week or more of the course. No refunds will be given for cancellations under one week from the course date nor if the participant does not complete the course and become certified).


Friday, March 14 from 5:30pm-7:30pm

Saturday, March 15 from 9am-5:30pm

LOCATION: Daviess Co Family YMCA Pool & After School Room

Min Capacity: 4 participants (Note, if we do not have enough participants to reach our minimum, the class with either be rescheduled or cancelled. Notification will be sent via a phone call and email immediately of this change).

Max Capacity: 10 participants 

Registration Information  

Open Close Register At MemberNon-Member
2025 Registration 2/1/25 3/12/25 Online / Front Desk $ 125.00$ 125.00

Available Sessions

Date(s) Spots
03/14/25 - 03/15/25
10 / 10 Available Register  

Lifeguard Training

All Locations
3/24/25 - 8/30/25

The purpose of the American Red Cross Lifeguarding course is to provide participants with the knowledge and skills needed to:

■ Prevent, recognize and respond to aquatic emergencies in both shallow water (less than 7 feet) and deeper water (7 feet or more).

■ Provide professional-level care for breathing and cardiac emergencies, injuries and sudden illnesses until emergency medical services (EMS) professionals take over.

To enroll in the Lifeguarding course, you must be at least 15 years old before the last scheduled class session. To participate in the course, you must be able to pass a prerequisite swimming skills evaluation, which includes two parts and takes place during the first in-person session. Participants who pass the precourse can move on to the next portions of the course. Participants who do not pass the precourse will not be able to continue with the rest of the course and will need more practice time before attempting another course in their future.

Prerequisite 1: (Swim-Tread-Swim Sequence) Jump into the water, totally submerge, resurface then swim 150 meters without stopping to rest, tread water for 2 minutes, and then swim 50 more meters. While swimming, you must keep your face in the water and demonstrate good breath control. You may swim using the front crawl, breaststroke or a combination of both. Swimming on the back or side is not permitted. Swim goggles are allowed. When treading, you must maintain position at the surface of the water the entire 2 minutes only using your legs.

Prerequisite 2: Complete a timed event within 1 minute, 40 seconds. Starting in the water, swim 20 meters. Your face may be in or out of the water. Swim goggles are not allowed. Surface dive (head-first or feet-first) to a depth of 7 to 10 feet to retrieve a 10-pound object. Return to the surface and swim 20 meters on your back to return to the starting point, holding the object at the surface with both hands and keeping your face at or near the surface. Swimming the distance underwater is not permitted. Exit the water without using a ladder or the steps.

This course follows a blended learning model, which combines online coursework with in-person sessions. You will receive an email from the Daviess County Family YMCA with a link to the American Red Cross with instructions for accessing the online course content once you have registered here on our website.

Please plan to complete all of the assigned online course modules at least 2 days prior to the corresponding in-person session. The online course content (16 modules) is designed to be completed in approximately 6 hours, with each module taking between 15 and 30 minutes to complete. You may require more or less time to complete each module.

The total instructional time for the Lifeguarding course in-person sessions is 21.5 hours (excluding meal and rest breaks).


In general, you will need the following for each in-person session:

■ A swimsuit that allows for good range of motion and that will stay secure and keep you covered during physical activity.

■ A towel.

■ Goggles.

■ Comfortable clothing for classroom activities and practicing skills such as CPR.

■ A tablet, laptop or phone to access your digital Lifeguarding Manual which is attached to this email. We will also provide you with a hip pack, resuscitation mask and whistle for class.

■ Water, snacks/meal (especially on full days).

■ Extra contacts or glasses and pen/pencil and paper if needed.

For your comfort, you may want to bring an extra swimsuit and a change of dry clothes, in addition to an extra layer (such as a sweatshirt and sweatpants).


To successfully complete the course and receive certification, you must:

■ Complete all online course content in advance of the corresponding in-person sessions.

■ Attend the entire course and participate in all in-person sessions.

■ Actively participate in all course activities, including assuming various roles during skill practices, skill drills, activities and scenarios.

■ Demonstrate proficiency in all skills.

■ Successfully pass the final written exam with a minimum grade of 80 percent.

■ Pass three final skill assessments.

Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive an American Red Cross certificate for Lifeguarding (Including Deep Water) with CPR/AED for Professional Rescuers and First Aid, valid for 2 years.

Please be aware that the skill practice sessions in the Lifeguarding course involve strenuous physical activity. If you have any concerns about your ability to participate fully in class (for example, because of a medical condition or disability), please contact me before the first in-person session to discuss possible accommodations. You may also wish to speak with a healthcare professional before the first in-person session.


$190 (This cost includes a $25 nonrefundable fee for cancellations or dropouts within 1 week or more of the course. No refunds will be given for cancellations under one week from the course date nor if the participant does not complete the course and become certified).

COURSE DATES AND TIMES (Must attend all sessions in a course):

Course Option #1
March 24 8am-4pm
March 25 8am-4pm
March 26 8am-4pm

Course Option #2
April 29 6:30pm-7:30pm
April 30 5pm-9pm
May 1 5pm-9pm
May 2 5pm-9pm
May 3 8am-6pm

Course Option #3
May 13 6:30pm-7:30pm
May 14 5pm-9pm
May 15 5pm-9pm
May 16 5pm-9pm
May 17 8am-6pm

Course Option #4
August 26 6:30pm-7:30pm
August 27 5pm-9pm
August 28 5pm-9pm
August 29 5pm-9pm
August 30 8am-6pm

LOCATION: Daviess Co Family YMCA Pool & After School Room

Min Capacity: 4 participants (Note, if we do not have enough participants to reach our minimum, the class with either be rescheduled or cancelled. Notification will be sent via a phone call and email immediately of this change).

Max Capacity: 10 participants 

Registration Information  

Open Close Register At MemberNon-Member
2025 Registration 2/1/25 12/31/25 Online / Front Desk $ 190.00$ 190.00

Available Sessions

Date(s) Spots
03/24/25 - 03/26/25
5 / 10 Available Register  
04/29/25 - 05/03/25
9 / 10 Available Register  
05/13/25 - 05/17/25
10 / 10 Available
will open on
08/26/25 - 08/30/25
10 / 10 Available
will open on

Request Form-Lifeguard Training Precourse Help

All Locations
1/1/25 - 12/31/25

Not sure if your skills or endurance are where they need to be to pass the lifeguard training prescourse? In a small group or individual setting, an instructor can help prep you for the precourse by evaluating and instructing you on stroke technique and endurance training specific to passing all of the entry requirements for lifeguard training. This is by appointment only. These sessions are 30 minutes in length. A precourse class can be held anytime depending on the availability of the instructor. You can request this training help below.  Assistance may not be available if requested too close to the desired lifeguard course date.

Below is information on the precourse and how imperative it is in order to become a certified lifeguard:

To participate in a lifeguard course, you must be able to pass a prerequisite swimming skills evaluation, which includes two parts and takes place during the first in-person session. Participants who pass the precourse can move on to the next portions of the course. Participants who do not pass the precourse will not be able to continue with the rest of the course and will need more practice time before attempting another course in their future.

Prerequisite 1: (Swim-Tread-Swim Sequence) Jump into the water, totally submerge, resurface then swim 150 meters without stopping to rest, tread water for 2 minutes, and then swim 50 more meters. While swimming, you must keep your face in the water and demonstrate good breath control. You may swim using the front crawl, breaststroke or a combination of both. Swimming on the back or side is not permitted. Swim goggles are allowed. When treading, you must maintain position at the surface of the water the entire 2 minutes only using your legs.

Prerequisite 2: Complete a timed event within 1 minute, 40 seconds. Starting in the water, swim 20 meters. Your face may be in or out of the water. Swim goggles are not allowed. Surface dive (head-first or feet-first) to a depth of 7 to 10 feet to retrieve a 10-pound object. Return to the surface and swim 20 meters on your back to return to the starting point, holding the object at the surface with both hands and keeping your face at or near the surface. Swimming the distance underwater is not permitted. Exit the water without using a ladder or the steps.

Available Sessions

01/01/25 - 12/31/25