Swim Around Washington

Swim Around Washington

Do you love swimming laps? Do you love a challenge? Join our Third Annual Swim Around Washington month-long challenge! Once registered, you’ll choose a distance to swim from our 4 options which include 1 mile all the way to 20 miles. These fun challenges correspond with some of our local businesses around Washington. Come into the Daviess Co YMCA pool to swim all or parts of your distance throughout the whole month of October. Complete your total distance by October 31! We’ll have a tracking poster in the pool area to help you stay on track. You’ll receive a long-sleeve T-shirt at the completion of the challenge which is a part of the program cost. And whatever challenge you complete, you will receive a special prize connected to a local business! Young lap swimmers to more experienced—all are welcome to join the Swim Around Washington Challenge!  

AGE: 6+ years old 

COST: Members $20, Non-Members $35  

DATES: October 1-31 2024

DAY & TIME: During lap swim hours within October (at the leisure of participants) 

LOCATION: Daviess Co Family YMCA Pool  


1 mile 

5 miles 

10 miles 

20 miles 

October Challenge

All Locations
10/1/24 - 10/31/24

Registration Information  

Open Close Register At MemberNon-Member
Early Member Only Registration 8/1/24 8/14/24 Online / Front Desk $ 20.00-
Open Registration 8/15/24 10/12/24 Online / Front Desk $ 20.00$ 35.00

Available Sessions

10/01/24 - 10/31/24
Opens on 08/01/24