Youth Basketball

Youth Basketball

The YMCA emphasizes values such as: Caring, Honesty, Respect, and Responsibility.

Here at the Daviess County Family YMCA, we take the emphasis OFF competition and place it ON skills development, teamwork, fair play, and sportsmanship. Every team member plays half of the game. Teams are led by our dedicated volunteer coaches, whom we could not run this program without! Our goal is to have two volunteer coaches per team. The coaches are the “referees” for the K-1 league. A highschool “ref” will be provided for the 2-3 and 4-6 leagues.

If you are interested in volunteering as a coach, assistant coach, or referee please contact Miranda Mandabach at [email protected], Haley Allen at [email protected], or call 812-254-4481.

Ages: Kindergarten – 6th Grade
Members $40.00, Community $60.00

There will be no skills day this year. You may request 1 additional child to be on the same team as your child. The program Director and Coordinator will assign the rest of your team.

Practices will start January 20th.

Coaches determine practice day & time.

Game Days: All on Saturdays

  1. February 1
  2. February 8
  3. February 15
  4. February 22
  5. March 1
  6. March 8

All communication will be done through the Heja app. Coaches please encourage your teams parents/guardians to download the Heja app and join the Daviess County YMCA Youth Basketball team with the team code: HT-798475 to see practice times and game schedules, in addition to announcements, cancelations, etc.

Social Media Policy
All parents/guardians, spectators, and participants are expected to use social media in a respectful manner. We welcome all questions and commentary, including constructive feedback. Questions will be answered in a timely manner. The Daviess County Family YMCA reserves the right to remove any posts that does not adhere to the YMCA’s principles and practices.

There are no refunds for missed practices, games or inclement weather.